Hi all!
Today’s discussion is on the widely used RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed reader, Feedly. While it says really simple, I’m pretty sure this is a point at how everything is conveniently grouped together, because I had a very difficult time using Feedly and trying to set up feeds and picking out reliable sources. When you make a new feed and search what kind of tag you want to follow, it gives recommendations on which people post about those kinds of tags, but what it doesn’t tell you is whether or not they’ve posted in years, so some of my math feeds are pretty empty because people haven’t posted in those feeds in months. So far though, my Educational Technology feed has actually been super useful, I’m pretty sure this one I just followed the big group feed, so I know that there are multiple articles being posted during the week so I didn’t have to worry. This Educational Technology feed has been insightful for multiple reasons.
It provides articles for a WIDE range of grades so whatever grade you could be teaching, this will surely have an article for you!
A lot of it is super knowledgeable about the current pandemic and has a ton of links to articles that are ‘up with the times and keeping how hard the pandemic is on all educators. It’s got a lot of articles about educating in the pandemic and has provided more resources to lessen that load on us as a whole!
I only have these two feeds for right now, and I am actively trying to look for more engaged feeds, so if you have any recommendations for anything at all, let me know!